Assalamu Alaykum brother Joseph Islam
Thank you for the reply and I apologize for the delay in response.
Basically this is how I understand your argument and please correct me if I am wrong:
The Ayah from the Quran is pretty much saying that in the Bible there are descriptions of the nature of a true prophet (and these could be spread around throughout the Old and New Testament), which do not necessarily mention nor describe the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) exclusively, but can be indicators that the prophet was a true Prophet of God.
Am I correct in my understanding of your argument?
If so, then my follow up question is this: How would the Jews and Christians be able to use those indicators to differentiate between the truthful nature of the Prophet's message vs some one else who might claim something similar? Let's say that Person X came around during the mission of our Prophet and claimed to be sent by Allah, Glorified be His Holy Name, how would the Jews and Christians be able to distinguish between which Prophet is the true Prophet and which one is a false one? There has to be some indicator in the Bible that would set apart our Prophet from any false claimants during his time or after his time. Or else, how would anyone be able to tell who is speaking the truth?
I hope you understand what I am trying to ask here. Basically, your argument, as interesting as it is, leaves an important question for the truth seeker: how does one use those indicators, as well as WHAT/WHERE are those indicators, that would lead one to necessarily conclude that the Prophet was sent by Allah?
I hope you can help me understand this better because for YEARS I Have been pondering on this question regarding the prophecies of the coming of our Prophet.
Fi Amaanillah
Dear xsilentmurmurx
Wa alaikum assalam
Please kindly note the gist of the arguments I have made regarding this topic within my article and summarily repeated in my post above:
There are the possibility of references in the Bible that provide descriptions of a true prophet such as Prophet Muhammad and not a direct reference to the Prophet by a particular name. As you have already intimated, there are a plethora of writings that have tried to address this including references which include possible descriptions.
With regards the mention of Prophet Muhammad's name in the Bible, I have already noted:
"There is no need to assume that the mention of 'Ahmad' was ever captured by the Canon Gospels or wider New Testament literature. This may well have been a belief that was prevalent by a certain contingent of the People of the Book or present in an Apocrypha which is now not extant. The Quran could also be providing new information which may have not been known before as there is no reason to assume that every conversation of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was captured by the New Testament writers.
There also remains the possibility that due to Christian theology asserting Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as the final saviour to mankind, that any further reference of a law bearing Prophet or messenger to the gentiles was not deemed appropriate and therefore not captured by the Christian New Testament writers." [1]
Please kindly forgive me, but I cannot surmise further beyond what I feel is the remit of the information provided by the Quran on this topic.