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Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you)




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Copyright © 2009 Joseph A Islam: Article last modified 1st October 2011


The Quran recognises the equal right to earn for both men and women. Let us note a relevant verse below.



And do not covet (Arabic: tatammannaw) what God has bestowed some of you over others. For men (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasabu), and for women (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasab(na))  and ask God of His bounty (Arabic: fadlihi). Indeed! God is ever Knower of all things. 


Please note: As the verb 'tammanna' (desire / covet) has been used in Arabic, the gifts that are being referred to, are tangible worldly assets or wealth. This interpretation is also supported by the use of 'fadlihi' (bounty) in the same verse.


Therefore, it is clear from the above verse, that no differentiation is made between men and women with their respective rights to accumulate a share of 'wealth'. Neither is any differentiation made in the verse, as to how this 'share' (Arabic: nasibun) has been accumulated or acquired (Arabic: iktasabu). There is no inference that the 'wealth' of women differs from men and restrictively applies to that which they have received as inheritance, maintenance or as in gifts.


The Arabic word 'nasibun' forms from its root 'Nun-Saad-Ba' which has an inherent meaning of establishing, to toil or labour and to make use of diligence. However, in this context, the word acquires the meaning of a share or a portion.




Source: Edward Lanes Lexicon    [1]



Also, the Arabic word 'iktasabu' is formed from its root 'Kaf-Siin-Ba which means to acquire, gain, gather (in fortune) or to earn.







In both cases regarding the 'portion' and how it is 'accumulated or earned', there is no differentiation made in the Quran between the genders.



Related Articles:


(1)    Aggressive (Mis)translations of the Quran to Enslave Women





[1] LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 8, Page 2800

Highlights marked in red on the lexicon excerpt are my own insertions. They have no bearing on the original text other than they emphasise relevance to the topic at hand. These are merely illustrations and have solely been utilised for educational and explanatory purposes.




Joseph Islam

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