The articles on this website may be reproduced freely as long as the following source reference is provided:  Joseph A Islam






Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you)









Including: Illustrations (18), Travelogues (14)







  JUNE 2019




 PUBLISHED            Date:   24th  Bees and Fruits   Topic Section       Quran



  MAY 2018



 PUBLISHED            Date:   26th  When Does the New Day Begin From a Quran's Perspective?   Topic Section       Quran
 PUBLISHED            Date:   13th  The Shape of the Earth   Topic Section       Cosmos



  JUNE 2015



 PUBLISHED            Date:   28th  Can Menstruating Women Fast?   Topic Section       Women






 PUBLISHED            Date:   20th  Understanding Our Trials - Why Me?  Topic Section       Wisdom



  AUGUST 2014



 PUBLISHED            Date:   2nd  As-Sirat (The Path, The Bridge Over Hell)  Topic Section       Popular Beliefs



  MARCH 2014



 PUBLISHED            Date:   9th  Poetry from a Quran's Perspective and a Historic Survey  Topic Section       Historical Sources 






 PUBLISHED            Date:   28th  The Sabbath Breakers: Apes & Swine - A Metaphorical or Literal Reading?  Topic Section       Quran
 PUBLISHED            Date:   21st  Verse 86:7 - Human Creation  Topic Section       Quran



  MAY 2013



 PUBLISHED            Date:   5th  The Virgin Birth of Prophet Jesus (pbuh)  Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date:   5th

 Does the Quran Assert in Verse 4:82 That it Contains No Contradictions?

 Topic Section       Quran


  MARCH 2013



 PUBLISHED            Date:   15th


 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs


  JANUARY 2013



 PUBLISHED            Date:   16th

 How Did God's Agents (Prophets & Messengers) Receive Inspirations?

 Topic Section       Quran






 PUBLISHED            Date:   30th

 Is Gabriel (Jibril) an Angel?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs



  AUGUST 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date:   5th

 Problems with Locating God in Time, Space and as Part of His Creation

 Topic Section       God


  JULY 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date:   27th

 London 2012, England

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date:   24th

 Unwarranted Prejudice Against Past Scholars, Compilers and Historians    

 Topic Section       Historical Sources 

 PUBLISHED            Date:   23rd

 Was Ritual Prayer a Practice Invented Later?

 Topic Section       Prayer

 PUBLISHED            Date:   22nd

 Quranic Wisdom

 Topic Section       Wisdom

 PUBLISHED            Date:   8th

 The Intensity of God's Oaths - The Even and the Odd

 Topic Section       Wisdom

 PUBLISHED            Date:   8th

 Are Mutashabih Verses Allegorical?

 Topic Section       Quran


  MAY 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date:   19th

 The Seven Oft-Repeated

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:   17th


 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:   4th

 The Seven Ahruf, Recitations (Qiraat), Hafs and Warsh

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs


  APRIL 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date:   5th

 Severe Rebuke of Idolatry in the Old Testament and God's Jealousy

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   4th

 The Concept of Hijrat

 Topic Section       Islam

 PUBLISHED            Date:   4th

 Stand Up For Justice

 Topic Section       Wisdom


  MARCH 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date:   20th

 Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date:   19th

 Did Harut and Marut Teach Dark Magic?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   19th

 Time-Bound Sunna

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   13th

 Kerak Castle, Kerak, Jordan

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date:   13th

 Understanding the Quranic Meaning of 'Jihad'

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   12th

 The Jinn

 Topic Section       Cosmos

 PUBLISHED            Date:   9th

 The Importance of Congregational Prayer

 Topic Section       Prayer





 PUBLISHED            Date:   29th

 Washing or Wiping the Feet in Wudu (Ablution)?

 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:   27th

 The Sleepers of the Cave - The Quran, Historical Sources and Observation

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date:   8th

 Following Traditions Blindly - Trained Monkeys Experiment

 Topic Section       Wisdom 

 PUBLISHED            Date:   7th

 A Creature from the Earth

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:   7th

 Two Verbs to Describe 'Fear' (Khashiya & Khafa) - The Difference

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:   2nd

 Suffering and Adversity

 Topic Section       Wisdom 

 PUBLISHED            Date:   1st

 Understanding Verses 2:72-73

 Topic Section       Quran


  JANUARY 2012



 PUBLISHED            Date: 31st

 What is the Injeel?

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date: 29th

 Is Kosher Meat Permissible for Consumption?

 Topic Section       Food & Drink

 PUBLISHED            Date: 28th

 Is Adoption Forbidden in Islam?

 Topic Section       Islam

 PUBLISHED            Date: 27th

 Inheritance Laws in the Quran

 Topic Section       Practices 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 26th

 Do the Best You Can with Sincerity

 Topic Section       Wisdom 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 23rd

 Were all the Prophet's Utterances a 'Wahi' from God? (Divinely inspired)

 Topic Section       Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

 PUBLISHED            Date: 23rd

 Understanding Verse 42:51 - Who can Receive 'Wahi'?

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date: 19th

 Islamic Divorce

 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date: 18th

 Is the Name 'Ahmad' Found in the Bible?

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date: 11th

 Code 19 and the Removal of Two Verses from the Quran - A Problematic Theory

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date: 11th

 Sajda e-Tilawat

 Topic Section       Practices






 PUBLISHED            Date: 26th

 Was Prophet Jesus (pbuh) sent to the Gentiles?

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date: 24th

 Parakletos or Periklytos?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:  7th

 Burden of Proof - Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) Argument

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:   1st

 The Bible Does Not Teach the Trinity

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs






 PUBLISHED            Date: 30th

 Should Women Lead Mixed Prayer Congregations as Religious Leaders?

 Topic Section       Women

 PUBLISHED            Date: 29th

 What Does 'Amen' Mean in the Context of Prayer and is it Quranic?

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date: 24th

 Shi'a Doctrine and Literary Sources - A Brief Survey

 Topic Section       Historical Sources 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 23rd   

 Nikaah al-Mut'ah - Temporary Marriage

 Topic Section       Women

 PUBLISHED            Date: 18th

 Is Makkah the Original Location for the Masjid al-Haram?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 17th

 Hadith Qudsi

 Topic Section       Historical Sources 

 PUBLISHED            Date:  2nd

 Huroof-e-Muqqatat (Disjointed Letters)

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:  2nd

 Why Does the Quran Sometimes Use the Plural?

 Topic Section       Quran



  OCTOBER 2011



 PUBLISHED            Date: 31st

 Mount Sinai - Behind the Translations

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date: 24th

 Death Penalty for Blasphemy

 Topic Section       Believers, Muslims & Non-Muslims

 PUBLISHED            Date: 24th   

 The Hajj and Umrah According to the Quran

 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date: 23rd

 What is the Quranic Ruh (Spirit)?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date: 17th

 Quranic Punishment - Murder vs Manslaughter

 Topic Section       Islam

 PUBLISHED            Date: 17th

 A Walk Through 7th Century Arabia

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date: 17th

 Satan's Guile

 Topic Section       Wisdom 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th  

 Niujie (Ox Street) Mosque, Beijing, China

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th  

 Mada'in Saleh - The Quranic Ziyarah (Visit) of Petra's Sister Site

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th

 A Stroll Through Brookwood Cemetery & Woking in Surrey, England, United Kingdom

 Topic Section       Travelogues 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th

 Pyramids, Giza, Egypt

 Topic Section       Travelogues 

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th  

 Petra, Jordan

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date: 16th 

 Land's End, England, United Kingdom

 Topic Section       Travelogues

 PUBLISHED            Date: 11th  

 Marriage with the People of the Book

 Topic Section       Believers, Muslims & Non-Muslims

 PUBLISHED            Date: 11th  

 Some Prayers From the Quran

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:   7th 

 'Take What the Prophet Gives You' - Support for the Sunna

 Topic Section       Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

 PUBLISHED            Date:   7th 

 Why Do We Have to Recite the Quran Back to God in Prayer?

 Topic Section       Prayer

 PUBLISHED            Date:   6th 

 Alleged Murder Sanctioned by the Prophet - Overlap of the Ahadith Canon with the Sira Genre

 Topic Section       Islam

 PUBLISHED            Date:   3rd


 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:   3rd

 Do Animals Have Souls?

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   2nd

 A Personal Experience with Prayer at Madinat al-Zahra (Al Andalus). Near Cordoba, Spain

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs






 PUBLISHED            Date:  21st 

 Miracles or Misunderstood Natural Phenomenon?

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:  20th   

 Are there 3 or 5 Prayers in the Day?

 Topic Section       Prayer

 PUBLISHED            Date:  19th

 What is the Quranic Sujud (Prostration)?

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:  19th

 Moon Sighting

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:  18th  

 Itmam al-Hujjah - Completion of Proof

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:  18th  

 The Concept of Zakah from the Quran

 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:  18th   

 The Concept of Sadaqah from the Quran

 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:  16th

 How Many Angels Were Talking to Mary?

 Topic Section       Quran

 PUBLISHED            Date:  15th  

 Is Verse 3:81 a Reference to any Particular Messenger?

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date:  14th

 Unbelievable Description of the Noble Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in a Hadith

 Topic Section       Islamic Secondary Sources

 PUBLISHED            Date:  14th

 Are Intoxicants Forbidden (Haram) in the Quran? 

 Topic Section       Food & Drink

 PUBLISHED            Date:  13th 

 PBUH - Peace Be Upon Him 

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date:  13th  


 Topic Section       Practices

 PUBLISHED            Date:   9th   

 The Limits of Obeying a Messenger

 Topic Section       Prophets & Messengers

 PUBLISHED            Date:   9th  

 Eat and Drink But Don't Be Extravagant

 Topic Section       Food & Drink

 PUBLISHED            Date:   9th   

 Why is Swine Flesh Forbidden for Consumption?

 Topic Section       Food & Drink

 PUBLISHED            Date:   8th  

 Does the Quran Confine Widows to Their Homes in their Waiting Period (Iddat)?

 Topic Section       Women

 PUBLISHED            Date:   8th  

 What is a Muslim Name? - A Misnomer

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

 PUBLISHED            Date:   4th  

 Did the Prophet Contravene His Own Teachings? - A Problematic Hadith

 Topic Section       Islamic Secondary Sources

 PUBLISHED            Date:   2nd

 Does Verse 65:4 Provide Consent to Consummate a Marriage with Female Minors?

 Topic Section       Women



  AUGUST 2011



PUBLISHED            Date: 31st   

 Fasting is Prescribed Until Night Not Sunset

 Topic Section       Practices

PUBLISHED            Date: 31st   

 Wudu (Ablution) According to the Quran

 Topic Section       Practices

PUBLISHED            Date: 30th

 Indeed to God We Belong and Indeed to Him is Our Return - 'inna-lillahi-wa'inna-ilayhi rajiun'

 Topic Section       Wisdom

PUBLISHED            Date: 27th 

 Marrying Four Wives in Islam

 Topic Section       Women

PUBLISHED            Date: 27th 

 Salamun Alaikum - What is an Islamic Greeting?

 Topic Section       Wisdom

PUBLISHED            Date: 19th

 Blind Following

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

PUBLISHED            Date: 19th

 The Righteous Caliphs

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

PUBLISHED            Date: 13th

 'Nur' as Reflected Light - A Restrictive Rendering

 Topic Section       Quran

PUBLISHED            Date: 6th  

 The Beautiful Character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

 Topic Section       Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

PUBLISHED            Date: 6th 

 The Seven Circuits of the Ka'aba

 Topic Section       Practices


  JULY 2011


PUBLISHED            Date: 28th

 Kissing the Black Stone - Veneration or an Idolatrous Practice?

 Topic Section       Practices

PUBLISHED            Date: 25th

 The Qibla Change

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

PUBLISHED            Date: 25th

 Time of Fajr and the End of Sehri in the Month of Ramadan

 Topic Section       Practices

PUBLISHED            Date: 20th 

 The Earliest Historical Sources of the Incident of Karbala

 Topic Section       Historical Sources 

PUBLISHED            Date: 17th   

 Superstitions - A Satanic Weapon

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

PUBLISHED            Date: 17th   

 How the Quran Describes Itself

 Topic Section       Quran

PUBLISHED            Date: 17th   

 Zam Zam Water

 Topic Section       Popular Beliefs

PUBLISHED            Date: 14th  

 Lailut-ul qadr - An Understanding from a Quranic Perspective

 Topic Section       Quran

PUBLISHED            Date: 13th

 Non-Muslim Sources of the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Ministry

 Topic Section       Historical Sources 





Joseph Islam