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Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you)




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Copyright © 2009 Joseph A Islam: Article last modified 8th November 2011



There is simply no entity except for God Almighty that can vouch for the state of an individual’s soul and the truth of their character. The exalted character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is vouched in the following verse by God Himself.



"And indeed (Arabic: wa’innaka), you surely are (Arabic: la’ala) of a great moral character (Arabic: khuluqin azim)



Illustration - Joseph Islam



The nobility of the Prophet remains beyond dispute from the Quran's perspective. His beautiful pattern of conduct in verse 33:21 has even been compared to Prophet Abraham, (pbuh) the father of faith (60:4; 60:6). The Prophet's heart grieved for his loved ones (28:56), his people (9:128), ardently desiring the best for his communities (5:41), so much so, that his grief nearly killed him (18:6). No doubt, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is truly worthy of admiration, love and blessings.


What could be more beautiful than the beautiful verses of God that make these attributes clear?





The Quran also makes it absolutely clear in many verses that believers are not to make any distinctions between messengers of God. This is underscored as a fundamental tenet of a believer's faith.  (Please see article [1] below).



"The messenger believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believes in God and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying" 


Despite the clear instructions above for believers, sadly many verses are used out of context to support the exclusivity of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from the Quran. Each common claim is dealt with in separate articles. Please see articles [2], [3] and [4] below.


In the articles cited, one will note that an appeal is usually made in:

(a) Isolation of other verses and

(b) Intentionally removing verses out of context and pinning meanings driven by theology which is sourced from outside the scripture and from Islamic secondary sources.


The Quran makes it abundantly clear that Muslims are not to engage in drawing any distinctions between any of the messengers of God which is a fundamental requirement of a Muslim's belief (2:285).


Also, the methodology deployed to argue for exclusivity is not consistent often concentrating on the desired result as opposed to understanding the verses in context. For example, in a similar manner, exclusivity can also be argued for other messengers of God.


Please note that all the following characteristics are exclusive to the Prophets that they refer to.

















Arguing for the exclusivity of any one particular messenger of God based on isolated verses and specific 'gifts' that God has bestowed on them is not an approach that is supported by the Quran.






Ranks remain only with God. He has given different gifts and prowess to different messengers in His wisdom. It is not for believers to use these to distinguish between them.



“These are the messengers. We have preferred (Arabic: faddalna) some of them over others. Among them are they to whom God spoke, and some of them He raised in degrees of rank. And We gave clear proof to Jesus son of Mary, and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. And if God had pleased, those after them would not have fought one with another after clear arguments had come to them, but they differed. So there were some of them who believed and others who denied; and if God had willed they would not have fought one with another, but God does what He intends”


Please note that Prophets Moses (pbuh) (by direct inference) and Jesus (pbuh) (by name) are only cited by way of an example. There is no mention of any other Prophet by name in this verse.



Related Articles:

(1)    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a Mercy to Creation

(2)    God and the Angels Bless the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

(3)    Following the Example of the Prophet - What is that Example?

(4)    Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh)  Special Mercy Status

(5)    Do Not Make Any Distinctions Between the Messengers of God



 Joseph Islam

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